The production of sweet and sour eggplant: 主料:茄子两个 Ingredient: two eggplant 调料:大葱(切长条),蒜,辣椒,盐,糖,醋,酱油。 Condiments: onions (cut long), garlic, pepper, salt, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce.
糖醋茄子的特色: The sweet and sour eggplant: 色泽红润,酸甜可口。 Ruddy color, sweet and sour.
糖醋茄子的做法: Sweet and sour eggplant practice: 制作方法: Production method: 1,把茄子切成片状,待油热后放入(茄子吸油,放油时要比平时炒菜稍多些)。 1, eggplant and cut into the sheet, heat oil until after the Add (eggplant oil, the oil should be slightly more than usual cooking).
2,茄子炒至半熟,把葱,蒜,辣椒放入锅中一起炒。 2, semi-Chaozhi eggplant, onions, garlic, pepper pot together into speculation.
3,加少许盐(很少),醋(根据个人口味添加),酱油(主要用于茄子变色)再炒。 3, plus a little salt (very few), vinegar (add according to personal taste), soy sauce (for eggplant color) Zaichao.
4,待茄子炒熟,快出锅时放入两勺糖,翻炒两下,盛盘即可。 4, Chao Shu eggplant to be faster when Chu Guo Liang Shao Add sugar, stir the two, the disc can be sung.
糖醋茄子的特色: The sweet and sour eggplant: 色泽红润,酸甜可口。 Ruddy color, sweet and sour.
糖醋茄子的做法: Sweet and sour eggplant practice: 制作方法: Production method: 1,把茄子切成片状,待油热后放入(茄子吸油,放油时要比平时炒菜稍多些)。 1, eggplant and cut into the sheet, heat oil until after the Add (eggplant oil, the oil should be slightly more than usual cooking).
2,茄子炒至半熟,把葱,蒜,辣椒放入锅中一起炒。 2, semi-Chaozhi eggplant, onions, garlic, pepper pot together into speculation.
3,加少许盐(很少),醋(根据个人口味添加),酱油(主要用于茄子变色)再炒。 3, plus a little salt (very few), vinegar (add according to personal taste), soy sauce (for eggplant color) Zaichao.
4,待茄子炒熟,快出锅时放入两勺糖,翻炒两下,盛盘即可。 4, Chao Shu eggplant to be faster when Chu Guo Liang Shao Add sugar, stir the two, the disc can be sung.
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