October 11, 2008

Chinese Food>>home recipes>>Several home-style soups recipes

First, raw rice: rice - 3 tablespoons of salt - a number of laws (1) Wash rice will be used to open blisters. (2) 将淘好的米放入锅中加入三四杯水煮。 (2) Add rice to pot Amoy good by adding three or four cups water. (3) 用文火煮至水减半时将火关掉。 (3) Zhu Zhi slow fire with water will be halved to turn off the fire. (4) 将煮好的米粥过滤只留米断。 (4) of cooked rice gruel filter only to stay off. (5) 将米汤用适量的盐调味。 (5) appropriate amount of rice with seasoning salt.
二、蔬菜米汤 Second, vegetables and rice
原料:大米——2大匙,土豆——1/5个,胡萝卜——1/10个,盐——若干制法(1) 将大米淘净并用水泡好。 Raw materials: rice - 2 tablespoons, potatoes - 1 / 5, --1/10 carrots, salt - a number of laws (1) of rice to Amoy net and a good bubble. (2) 将土豆和胡萝卜切成小块。 (2) potatoes and carrots cut into small pieces. (3) 将大米和切好的蔬菜倒入锅中加适量的水煮。 (3) will cut rice and vegetables into the pot to increase the amount of water. (4) 将煮好的材料过滤一遍,放适量盐调味。 (4) will be cooked again the filter material, the amount of salt seasoning release. (5) 若适当加些牛奶会更好。 (5) plus more appropriate if the milk will be even better.
三、豆腐汤 Third, bean soup
原料:豆腐——1/20块,酱油——若干,肉汤——2大匙制法(1) 将豆腐焯一下之后捣碎。 Raw materials: --1/20 block tofu, soy sauce - a number that broth - 2 tablespoons method (1) will be broken up after about Zhuo tofu. (2) 将捣碎的豆腐和肉汤一起倒入锅中煮。 (2) will be broken up along with the bean broth into the pot and cook. (3) 用少量酱油调味。 (3) with a small amount of seasoning sauce.
四、茄子汤 Fourth, eggplant soup
原料:茄子--1/6个,海带清汤--3大匙制法(1) 将茄子用微波炉烤一下,然后去皮,并捣碎。 Raw materials: Eggplant - 1 / 6, kelp broth - 3 tablespoons method (1) will be grilled eggplant with microwave and then peeled and broken up. (2) 将茄子加入海带清汤煮。 (2) would join eggplant kelp broth boil. 茄子有增强食欲之功效。 Eggplant has enhanced the effectiveness of appetite.
五、蔬菜汤 Five vegetable soup
原料:卷心菜--1/2片,胡萝卜--1/10个,锡兰花--5克,海带清汤--1/2杯,盐--若干制法(1) 将胡萝卜、卷心菜、锡兰花洗净之后切碎,加入海带清汤煮。 Raw materials: cabbage - 1 / 2 carrot --1/10, tin orchid - 5 grams of kelp broth - 1 / 2 cup salt - a number of laws (1) carrots, cabbage, tin orchid Wash after shredding, adding kelp broth boil. (2) 蔬菜煮软后加适量的盐调味。 (2) soft-boiled vegetables after the appropriate amount of seasoning salt. 这款蔬菜汤可治疗婴儿便秘。 The baby vegetable soup can cure constipation.
六、鱼丸汤 Six or fish soup
原料:鱼肉--1/3块,土豆--1/5个,胡萝卜--1/5个,海带清汤--1/4杯,淀粉--1/2小匙,酱油、盐--若干制法(1) 将鱼剖开剔除鱼刺,鱼肉切碎与淀粉、盐和在一起搅拌。 Raw materials: fish - 1 / 3, potatoes - 1 / 5, carrots - 1 / 5, kelp broth - 1 / 4 cup starch - 1 / 2 tsp, soy sauce, salt - a number of Method (1) of the fish will be cut open to remove Fishbone, chopped meat and starch, salt and stir together. (2) 将和好的鱼肉淀粉制成鱼丸。 (2) would be a good fish and fish balls made from starch. 将土豆、胡萝卜切成碎块,加海带清汤煮。 Will potatoes, carrots and cut into pieces, with sea broth boil. (3) 将蔬菜煮烂后,再放入鱼丸同煮。 (3) Zhu Lan vegetables, fish again Tong Zhu Add.
七、番茄鸡蛋汤 Seven eggs tomato soup
原料:番茄--1/6个,洋葱--1/10个,鸡蛋--1/5个,海带清汤--2大匙,盐、白糖、酱油--若干制法(1) 将番茄去皮去瓤后切成小块。 Raw materials: Tomato - 1 / 6, --1/10 onion, egg - 1 / 5, kelp broth - 2 tablespoons salt, sugar, soy sauce - a number of laws (1) to tomato Paper pulp to later cut into small pieces. (2) 将洋葱切碎,放入海带清汤、白糖、酱油、盐同煮。 (2) will be chopped onion, Add kelp broth, sugar, soy sauce, salt Tong Zhu. (3) 洋葱煮烂后加入番茄。 (3) after Zhu Lan onion tomato. (4) 把鸡蛋搅匀倒在煮沸的锅里。 (4) the eggs and pour it into the boiling Jiaoyun the pot.
八、萝卜胡萝卜汤 Eight, carrot and radish soup
原料:胡萝卜--1/6个,萝卜--20克,海带清汤--3大匙,酱油--若干制法(1) 将萝卜和胡萝卜切成小丁,加入海带清汤煮。 Raw materials: carrots - 1 / 6, radish - 20 grams of kelp broth - 3 tablespoons soy sauce - a number of laws (1) radish and carrots cut into Xiao-Ding, adding kelp broth boil. (2) 煮熟之后用酱油调味。 (2) after cooking with soy sauce seasoning.
九、苹果汤 Nine Apple Soup
原料:苹果--1/6个,白糖--若干制法(1) 苹果去皮切成小块,加班费杯水煮制。 Raw materials: Apple - 1 / 6, white sugar - a number of laws (1) to Apple's skin into small pieces and boiled-overtime Cup. (2) 煮熟后加适量的白糖调味。 (2) after the appropriate amount of cooked sugar flavor.
十、空心粉番茄汤 10, hollow tomato soup powder
原料:番茄--1/2个,空心粉--1大匙,干酪--1/2小匙,鸡精--1小匙制法(1) 交过分心粉煮熟之后切成5mm长。 Raw materials: Tomato - 1 / 2, hollow powder - 1 tbsp, cheese - 1 / 2 tsp, chicken essence - 1 tsp-law (1) pay too much heart powder after cooking and cut into 5mm long . (2) 将番茄去皮去瓤之后榨成汁。 (2) to be peeled tomato pulp after pressing into juice. (3) 将鸡精用不着/4杯水调匀。 (3) will not need Chicken / 4 cup water Draw Frame. (4) 将空心粉、番茄汁、鸡精放入锅中同煮。 (4) hollow powder, tomato juice, chicken pot into Tong Zhu. (5) 煮沸之后撒上干酪粉。 (5) after boiling cheese sprinkled powder.
十一、豆腐酱汤 11, butter bean soup
原料:豆腐--1/5块,海带清汤--1/4杯,大酱、大葱--若干制法(1) 将豆腐切成小块,大葱切碎。 Raw materials: bean curd - 1 / 5, kelp broth - 1 / 4 cup, soybean paste, green onions - a number of laws (1) to tofu cut into small pieces and chopped green onions. (2) 将豆腐、海带清汤倒入锅中,加入大酱煮,最后加上葱花。 (2) to tofu, seaweed broth into the pot, adding boiling soybean paste, chopped green onion to add the final.
十二、米团汤 12, rice soup Mission
原料:面粉--2大匙,米饭--1/4碗,胡萝卜--1/10个,柿子椒--1/5个,盐--若干制法(1) 将米饭和面粉和在一起,揉成米团儿。 Raw materials: wheat flour - 2 tablespoons rice - 1 / 4 bowl --1/10 carrot, bell pepper - 1 / 5, salt - a number of laws (1) and rice and flour together, Mission children Roucheng meters. (2) 将胡萝卜和柿子椒切成小碎块儿。 (2) carrot and bell pepper cut into small fragments of children. (3) 清汤放入蔬菜同煮,煮熟后加入米团儿煮沸。 (3) Add broth Tongzhu vegetables, cooked rice joined the group after the children boil.

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