October 11, 2008

Chinese Food>>home recipes>>Bitter melon stuffed meat

鲜苦瓜750克,去皮猪肉300克,金钩虾、酱油各15克,水发香菇、面粉各25克,鸡蛋1个,湿淀粉100克,蒜瓣50克,胡椒粉、味精各1克,精盐、香油各2克,熟猪油1000克。 750 grams of fresh balsam pear, peeled and 300 grams of pork, shrimp Jingou, the 15 grams of soy sauce, water mushrooms, 25 grams each of flour, eggs and a wet starch 100 grams, 50 grams Suanban, pepper, 1 g of the monosodium glutamate , Refined salt, the sesame oil 2 g, 1000 g Shuzhu You.
制作过程 Production process
1、苦瓜切4厘米段去瓤,冷水煮熟去苦味后攥干水; 1, bitter gourd cut flesh to paragraph 4 cm, the bitter cold water to cook after grasping the dry water; 2、猪肉剁成,香菇、虾切碎放入碗中,加鸡蛋、面粉、精盐调匀成馅,塞入苦瓜段,用湿淀粉50克封两端;(香菇要预先泡好,馅料最好能用绞肉机绞出,否则剁馅应该要下足功夫,要剁得比较烂,和馅手法一般用拌、跶相结合,多拌,要令馅充分起胶才酿,这样出来的口感才爽) 2, hacked pork, mushrooms, chopped shrimp into a bowl, add eggs, flour, salt into a drawing frame filling, into bitter gourd, with 50 grams of starch wet sealed at both ends; (mushrooms to soak in advance, fillings The best meat grinder can be twisted out, or stuffing should be cut under full martial arts, it is necessary to cut a bad comparison, the stuffing and mix with the general approach, combining tap, mixing, stuffing to make stuffed full effect only plastic, so come out The only taste Shuang) 3、熟猪油(花生油也行)烧至六成热(约180度),放蒜瓣炸一下捞出,苦瓜入锅,待苦瓜表面炸至淡黄色捞出,竖放碗内,撤上蒜瓣,加酱油入笼蒸熟; 3, Shuzhu You (peanut oil firms also) very badly burned 60 percent of heat (about 180 degrees), deep-fried Suanban let you remove, Ruguo bitter gourd, bitter gourd to be yellow Zha Zhi remove the surface, the bowl Shufang, the withdrawal Suanban Add soy sauce steamed into the cage; 4、熟猪油50克烧至六成熟,下料头(一般来说,凉瓜的料头最好配上豆豉)将蒸苦瓜的原汁入锅中烧开,加味精适量、湿淀粉25克勾芡,苦瓜翻扣盘中浇汁,撤胡椒粉,淋香油即可。 4, 50 grams Shuzhu You mature very badly six, cutting the first (In general, the Lianggua expected to head with the best lobster sauce) steamed to the bitter gourd juice in Ruguo boil, add amount of monosodium glutamate, starch wet 25 Grams of starch and water after deduction turned bitter gourd juice, pepper withdrawal, sesame oil can be poured.
特色 Characteristics
四川风味菜,成菜整齐,瓜翠肉红,微带苦味,有清心明目之效.。 Sichuan-style dishes, vegetables into neat, red meat de Jade, microstrip bitter, heart eyesight of work..
健康提示 Health Tips
明《滇南本草》对苦瓜内在功用有详细记载:“味苦,性寒。入心脾肺三经。除邪热,解劳乏,清心明目,泻六经实火,清暑益气,止烦渴”。 That "in South Yunnan Materia Medica" bitter gourd there inherent function of the well documented: "bitter, cold. Pifei into the heart through three. Chuxie heat, Laofa solution, the heart eyesight, spilled by six real fire, Qing Shu Qi , The only polydipsia. "
历史文化 History and Culture
1. 中国菜索有“春多酸、夏多苦、秋多辛、冬多咸”之说。 1. Chinese dishes have Faso "Spring acid, the more bitter summer, autumn and multi-Xin, and more salt in winter," said. 夏菜之苦,主要为苦瓜。 Summer vegetables suffered mainly bitter gourd. 苦瓜又名“锦荔枝”属葫芦科。 Also known as bitter gourd, "Kam Lai Chi" is a Cucurbitaceae. 湖南人民喜食苦瓜,而苦瓜酿肉这道菜,则称得上其中的上品; Hunan people like eating bitter gourd, bitter gourd and stuffed meat dish, called the superior; 2. 此菜是夏季佳肴。 2. Cicai summer dishes.

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