October 11, 2008

Chinese Food>>home recipes>> Hot and sour Jiza

Hot and sour Jiza of materials: 主料:鸡杂 Ingredient: Jiza 调料:盐,香菜或者葱粒,植物油,大蒜,姜丝,酸辣椒,少量白酒,生醋 Seasoning: salt, parsley or onions grain, vegetable oil, garlic, ginger, chili acid, a small amount of white wine, vinegar Health
酸辣鸡杂的做法: Hot and sour Jiza practice:
做法: Practice:
1:用盘装些酸辣椒待用。 1: disc loaded with more acid chili stand-by.
2:鸡肾洗净切片,待用。 2: Wash the chicken kidney biopsy, the stand-by.
3:待锅里水分烧干,放鸡肾煸炒至水干,装盘备用。 3: to be Shaogan pot of water, put the chicken stir Chaozhi kidney shortage of money, Zhuangpan back-up.
4:将炒锅洗净烧干水分,放入植物油,放入大蒜、姜丝、炒香,再放入鸡肾,炒到有香味时放几滴白酒,去腥味的,放入生醋,之后放入一些孜然,(也可不放,看个人口味),之后将切好的酸辣椒放入锅里一起翻炒,放盐,香菜或者葱粒,起锅咯! 4: Wash Shaogan will add moisture into vegetable oil, Add garlic, ginger, Chao Xiang, and then Add chicken kidneys, Chaodao have put a few drops of white wine aroma when to the smell, Health Add vinegar , Followed by a number of Add cumin, (can also go to see personal taste), followed by acid will be cut pepper into the pot stir together, salt, parsley or onions tablets, Qi Guo 1, 10! 这道菜特别下饭! Xiafan special dish! 我们家是百吃不厌! Our family is not object to eat a hundred!

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