October 11, 2008

Chinese Food>>home recipes>>Shanzhen seafood soup

: clams, shrimp, carp accessories: Flammulina, Tricholoma, mushrooms and spices: salt, chicken, pepper, cooking wine, sesame oil practices: 1、 将虾、蛤蜊洗净,鲫鱼去五脏洗净,用盐、料酒腌制10分钟; 1, shrimp, clams Wash, Wash carp to five internal organs, salt, salted cooking wine for 10 minutes; 2、 将煎盘2分钟预热,放入鱼、虾4分钟取出置入微波炉专用器皿中,加入金针菇、香菇、口蘑,蛤蜊,倒入清水,放入微波炉中10分钟再加盖15分钟或更长时间,中途放入盐、鸡精、香油、胡椒粉即可。 2, Pan 2 minutes to warm-up into fish, shrimp 4 minutes out into special containers in the microwave oven, adding mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, Tricholoma, clams, and pour water into microwave oven in 10 minutes and then 15 minutes for stamping Or more, half-way into salt, chicken, sesame oil, pepper can be.

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