October 11, 2008

Chinese Food>>home recipes>> Red Hakka bad ribs

Raw materials: 排骨600克 红糟1/3杯葱末、海米2大匙蒜末1大匙 600 g red bad ribs 1 / 3 cup diced green onion, 2 tablespoons dried shrimps Suanmo 1 tablespoons 辅料: Accessories: A料:糖1大匙鸡精3小匙香油3大匙水2杯 A material: Chicken 3 tablespoons sugar 1 tsp sesame oil 3 tablespoons water 2 cups 做法: Practice: 1 排骨洗净、放入热水中汆烫,去除血水后捞出,洗净、充分沥干;海米洗净、泡软。 1 Wash ribs into hot water in the hot Cuan, after the removal of blood remove, clean and fully Drain; Wash dried shrimps, soft foam. 2 锅中倒入适量油烧热,爆香大蒜、海米,放入烫过的排骨拌炒约1分钟,加入红糟及A料翻炒均匀,盛出,移入电锅蒸约40分钟至排骨软烂入味,盛起时撒上葱末即可食用。 2 Heat the oil amount into the pot, Baoxiang garlic, dried shrimps, burns Add spareribs Ban Chao, about 1 minute, worse by adding red and stir A uniform material, sung out into an electric rice cooker steaming about 40 minutes to Black Ruwei soft ribs, diced green onion sprinkled Sheng from time to eat. Tips: Tips: 红糟:红糟能润肠暖胃、活血去疼,并具有降血脂、降低胆固醇等功效,在享受排骨美味之余,还可以达到养生保健的目的,真是一举两得。 Red worse: worse to Red Runchang Nuanwei, promoting blood circulation to pain with blood fat, cholesterol-lowering effectiveness, and so on, enjoying the delicious ribs and still to achieve the objective of health care, is double. 特色: Characteristics: 红糟吃法变化多端,不但色泽漂亮,渗入排骨料理中,滋味更是一级棒! Eat bad red variety, not only beautiful color into the ribs cooking, taste is Yiji Bang!

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