Stewed grass carp in the production of materials: 主料:草鱼 Ingredient: grass carp 辅料:猪里脊,香菇 Accessories: pig loin, mushrooms 调料:葱、姜、蒜、盐、糖、料酒、胡椒粉、生抽、水淀粉、鸡精、香油、食用油 Condiments: onions, ginger, garlic, salt, sugar, cooking wine, pepper, soy sauce, water, starch, chicken, sesame oil, edible oil
红烧草鱼的特色: The stewed grass carp: 色鲜味浓。 Fresh rich color.
红烧草鱼的做法: Stewed grass carp practice:
制作方法 Production Method
1. 1. 将草鱼去内脏清洗干净,在鱼的身上切成“#”字,涂上盐稍腌制一会儿,葱、姜、蒜洗净切成末,香菇洗净切成丝,猪里脊切成丝; Grass carp will be to clean offal, fish in the body into the "#", painted with a little salt cured for a while, onion, ginger and garlic into the end of the wash, wash mushrooms Cut wire, wire cut into pig loin;
2. 2. 坐锅点火放入大量油,油至六成热时,将整条鱼放入锅中炸至两面金黄色捞出沥干油; Add a large number of pot to sit ignition oil, heat the oil to 60 percent, to the whole fish into pot Zhazhi golden on both sides remove Drain oil;
3. 3. 锅内留余油,倒入葱末、姜末、蒜末、香菇丝、肉丝翻炒,加入盐、鸡精、糖、草鱼、生抽、料酒、胡椒粉、香油,稍焖一会儿,勾薄芡出锅即可。 Pot to stay more than oil, into the diced green onion, ginger, Suanmo, silk mushrooms, pork stir, adding salt, chicken, sugar, grass carp, soy sauce, cooking wine, pepper, sesame oil, and stew a little while, the Application List Euryale ferox Chuguo to thin.
红烧草鱼的特色: The stewed grass carp: 色鲜味浓。 Fresh rich color.
红烧草鱼的做法: Stewed grass carp practice:
制作方法 Production Method
1. 1. 将草鱼去内脏清洗干净,在鱼的身上切成“#”字,涂上盐稍腌制一会儿,葱、姜、蒜洗净切成末,香菇洗净切成丝,猪里脊切成丝; Grass carp will be to clean offal, fish in the body into the "#", painted with a little salt cured for a while, onion, ginger and garlic into the end of the wash, wash mushrooms Cut wire, wire cut into pig loin;
2. 2. 坐锅点火放入大量油,油至六成热时,将整条鱼放入锅中炸至两面金黄色捞出沥干油; Add a large number of pot to sit ignition oil, heat the oil to 60 percent, to the whole fish into pot Zhazhi golden on both sides remove Drain oil;
3. 3. 锅内留余油,倒入葱末、姜末、蒜末、香菇丝、肉丝翻炒,加入盐、鸡精、糖、草鱼、生抽、料酒、胡椒粉、香油,稍焖一会儿,勾薄芡出锅即可。 Pot to stay more than oil, into the diced green onion, ginger, Suanmo, silk mushrooms, pork stir, adding salt, chicken, sugar, grass carp, soy sauce, cooking wine, pepper, sesame oil, and stew a little while, the Application List Euryale ferox Chuguo to thin.
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