October 11, 2008

Chinese Food>>home recipes>> Eggplant cooked Huajiahu

Cai Ming: cooking eggplant Huajiahu
菜系:鲁菜 Cuisine: Shandong [原料/调料] [Raw materials / seasoning]
花甲150克、茄子100克、生姜10克、红椒1只。 Huajiahu 150 grams, 100 grams of eggplant, 10 grams ginger, a red peppers.
花生油20克、盐10克、味精12克、白糖3克、绍酒5克、麻油5克。 20 g peanut oil, salt, 10 grams, 12 grams of monosodium glutamate, 3 g sugar, 5 grams Shaojiu, 5 g oil.
[制作流程] [Production process]
1.鲜茄去皮切圆块,姜切丝,红椒切条。 1. Fresh eggplant skin to block a round, cut ginger, red peppers be cut.
2.烧锅下油,放入姜丝,花甲,攒入绍酒炒片刻。 2. Burned under the oil pan, Add ginger, Huajiahu, to save Shaojiu speculation for a while.
3.加入清汤,鲜茄煮8分钟后,再调入盐、味精、白糖、红椒片煮3分钟,淋入麻油倒入汤窝内即成。 3. Accession to the broth, fresh eggplant cook 8 minutes, and then transferred to the salt, MSG, sugar, red-chip cook 3 minutes, Linru nest soup with sesame oil poured into the mold.

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