October 11, 2008

Chinese Food>>home recipes>> Bean carp

Cai Ming】 【Mesona carp
【所属菜系】 川菜 【】-Owned Sichuan cuisine
【特点】 色红亮,味麻辣,香味浓,鱼细嫩,造型质朴。 Key features of color】 Hong-Liang, spicy flavor, thick aroma, delicate fish, rustic style. 有浓郁的四川乡土气息。 There is a strong local flavor of Sichuan.
【原料】 鲜活鲫鱼一条(约750克)。 】 【Raw materials of a live carp (about 750 grams). 白凉粉250克。 White Bean 250 grams. 料酒15克、猪网油200克、盐5克、红油15克、豆鼓10克、蒜泥5克、芽菜末10克、葱花5克、花椒油5克。 15 grams of cooking wine, pig oil net 200 grams, 5 grams of salt, 15 grams of oil, 10 grams Dougu, 5 g garlic, bean sprouts and at the end of 10 grams, 5 grams chopped green onion, pepper 5 grams of oil.
【制作过程】 ①将净鲫鱼两面各剞3刀,抹上料酒、精盐。 【】 ① the production process will net the two sides of carp Ji 3 knives, add cooking wine, salt. 取碗一只,鱼用网油包好放入碗中,加葱、姜、花椒上笼蒸15分钟至熟。 Get a bowl, fish net oil into a good bowl, add onions, ginger, pepper and cooked to Shanglong Zheng 15 minutes.
②葱切花,芽菜、芹菜切细、大蒜、豆豉捣茸,同盛入碗中,辣椒油、花椒油、味精、芝麻油对成味汁。 ② Cut green onions, bean sprouts and cut small celery, garlic and dried Douchi trace, with Sheng into the bowl, chili oil, pepper oil, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil into a pair of Weizhi.
③凉粉切成3厘米见方的丁,同清水一起下锅煮沸捞出滤干,倒入味汁内调匀。 ③ jelly into 3 cm square small, together with the water to boil remove Lvgan hack, into the drawing frame within Weizhi.
④将蒸好的鱼取出,揭出网油,摆入盘中,把拌好的凉粉连同味汁倒在鱼上,撒上香菜即成。 ④ good steamed fish will be removed, revealing the oil network, put trading income, along with Bean's Ban Hao Wei Zhi fell to the fish, parsley sprinkled chunks.

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