October 11, 2008

Chinese Food>>home recipes>> Steamed pork ribs plum

And the effectiveness of cuisine: Guangdong 工艺: 清蒸 Technology: steamed
梅子蒸排骨的制作材料: Steamed pork ribs plum production materials: 主料:猪排骨(大排)300克 Ingredient: pig ribs (a large) 300 grams 辅料:梅子15克,淀粉(蚕豆)20克 Accessories: 15 grams of plum, starch (broad beans) 20 g 调料:老抽15克,豆瓣酱10克,白砂糖15克,味精2克,香油10克,大蒜(白皮)5克,花生油20克 Seasoning: Laochou 15 grams, 10 grams of bean paste, 15 grams of sugar, MSG 2 grams, 10 grams of sesame oil, garlic (White) 5 grams, 20 grams of peanut oil
梅子蒸排骨的做法: Steamed pork ribs plum practice:
1. 将排骨斩成10克重的块,洗干净,控去水分; 1. Zhancheng ribs will be 10 grams heavier pieces, washed, to control water; 2. 把以上味料与排骨拌匀,摊放盘中; 2. To taste more than expected to mix well with the ribs, after Tan Fang; 3. 再浇适量花生油,用中火蒸约10分钟至熟,取出便成。 3. And then pouring amount of peanut oil, used in the steamer for about 10 minutes to cooked, remove it Cheng.
梅子蒸排骨的制作要诀: Steamed pork ribs plum production tips: 若喜食软烂排骨,可适当延长蒸制时间。 If the preferred soft broken ribs, can be appropriate to extend the time Zheng Zhi.

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