October 11, 2008

Chinese Food>>home recipes>> Soy-braised chicken wings

Soy-braised chicken wings of production materials: 主料:鸡翅一袋(翅中最好,如果是用全翅,要把翅根,翅中,翅尖分开)。 Ingredient: a bag of chicken wings (the best in the wings if the wing is full, it is necessary to root wing, fin, Chi Jian separately). 鸡翅用水焯一下。 Zhuo like water wings. 调料:姜片、葱片、干辣椒、花椒、八角。 Spices: ginger, onion slices dry chili, pepper, anise. 还可以加蒜。 Can also add garlic. 红烧鸡翅的做法: Soy-braised chicken wings practice: 1、放油入锅,8成热时向油锅内放入一两勺白糖,炒到白糖融化-起泡-泡沫消退-白糖变成金黄色时,放入洗干净的鸡翅。 1, oil Ruguo, 8 into a hot pan to within a Liangshao Add sugar, white sugar melted Chaodao - bubble - a bubble dissipated - into a golden brown sugar, washed into the wings. 中火翻炒,直到每块鸡翅变成漂亮的金黄色…… (这就是传说中的炒糖色了) Stir in the fire, until each chicken wing into a beautiful golden ... ... (This is the legend of the fried candy color) 2、放入一些热水,(千万不要放凉水,因为已经受热的肉块突然受冷,肉皮会收缩,不容易熟也不容易入味)。 2, into some hot water (not cold water released because of the heat has affected all of a sudden cold meat, pork skin to contract, it is not easy it is not easy Ruwei cooked). 水量到淹没鸡翅就行。 Water flooded into line on the wings. 3、放入调料和葱片、一小勺酱油、一勺盐。 3, onions and spices into films, a tsp soy sauce, a spoonful of salt. (不用放太多的酱油,因为炒的糖色已经足够了,而且酱油太多会盖住鸡翅本身的香味) (Do not put too much soy sauce, fried because of the color has enough sugar, soy sauce and too many chicken wings will cover their own scent) 4、用中火把鸡翅炖烂,汤汁变少时改大火把汁收浓,以不干锅为准。 4, with a torch in Dunlan chicken wings, soup fewer changes to the fire concentrated juice close to Ganguo not prevail. 5、收浓汤,然后出锅、装盘、上桌! 5, to close soup, and Chu Guo, Zhuangpan, on the table!

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