October 11, 2008

Chinese Food>>home recipes>> You Bao two-brittle

Zhudu first 20O grams, 150 grams of chicken gizzard, Shaojiu 5 g, 1.4 g salt, 2 g diced green onion, ginger 1 g, 1.5 g Suanmo, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate, Shuzhu You 500 grams (about Consumption of 50 grams), 25 grams wet starch, 50 grams of clear soup. 1、将肚头剥去脂皮、硬筋,洗净,用刀划上网状花刀,放入碗内,加盐、湿淀粉拌和,鸡胗洗净,批去内外筋皮,用刀划上间隔2毫米的十字花刀,放人另一只碗内,加盐、湿淀粉拌和。 1, will be stripped of belly fat first skin, tendons hard, clean, draw a knife blade mesh flower into bowl, salt, wet mixing starch, chicken gizzard washed granted to bars and outside the paper, draw a knife 2 mm intervals on the knife crosswise, and release another bowl, salt, starch wet mixing. 2、另取一只小碗,加清汤、绍酒、味精、精盐、湿淀粉,拌匀成芡汁待用。 2, and the other taking a small bowl, add broth, Shaojiu, monosodium glutamate, salt, starch wet, and mix well Euryale ferox juice into a stand-by. 3、炒锅上旺火,放入猪油,烧至八成热,放入肚头、鸡胗,用筷子迅速划散,倒入漏勺沥油。 3, add the Wanghuo into lard, very badly burned 80 heat into the first belly, chicken gizzard, with chopsticks quickly draw casual, Lek Loushao into oil. 炒锅内留油少许,下葱、姜、蒜末煸出香味,随即倒入鸡胗和肚头,并下芡汁,颠翻两下,即可出锅装盘。 Add a little oil to stay inside, under the onions, ginger and stir Suanmo a scent, then poured into chicken gizzard and the belly first, and under the Euryale ferox juice, the two Dianfan, can Chuguozhuangpan. 特点: 脆嫩滑润,清鲜爽口。 Features: Cuinen smooth, refreshing, refreshing. 关键: 一是必须将鸡胗和猪肚头洗刷干净,去除异味。 The key: The first will be the first Zhudu chicken gizzard and wash clean, odor removal. 二是掌握火候要恰当,要旺火热油爆炒,一般在八成油温时下锅,至鸡胗片由红转白、肚头挺起断生即捞起,吃火过长便老而不脆。 Second, we've got to have the right to hot oil Bao Chao Wang, the general in the oil temperature at 80 hack, chicken gizzard film to turn from red to white, stood belly first off that sheng picked up, the fire is too long to eat it instead of the old brittle . 主料:鸡肫 150克 牛肚 200克 Ingredient: 150 grams of chicken gizzard 200 grams of tripe 辅料:黄瓜 20克 胡萝卜 20克 Accessories: 20g cucumber 20g carrot 调料:盐 5克 味精 2克 胡椒 2克 醋 2克 大蒜 3克 淀粉(豌豆) 8克 花生油 50克 碱 2克 各适量 Seasoning: salt, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate 2 g pepper 2 g vinegar 2 grams of garlic 3 grams of starch (peas) 8 g peanut oil 50 grams of the base amount of 2 g 制作工艺 Production Process 1.大蒜去皮切片,淀粉加水适量搅匀成湿淀粉,待用;鸡胗、牛肚除去外皮,剞刀菊花刀型。 1. Peeled garlic slices, increase starch Jiaoyun amount of water into a wet starch, stand-by; chicken gizzard, tripe remove the skin, Ji daisy cutter type knives. 用清水200克放入食用碱化开后放剞刀后的鸡胗和牛肚浸泡30分钟(目的是发脆去腥),后用清水捞洗数次,黄瓜、胡萝卜洗净改刀为薄片。 Add 200 grams of water used for human consumption alkalization Ji-opened after the knife after the release of tripe and chicken gizzard soak for 30 minutes (the aim of brittle hair Qu Xing), after washing with water fishing several times, cucumber, carrots for clean knife to slice. 2.精盐、味精、胡椒、香醋、鸡汤、葱姜油湿淀粉对制成碗芡。 2. Salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, vinegar, chicken broth, oil Congjiang wet starch into a bowl of Euryale ferox. 3.炒锅置于旺火上,热锅注入花生油,七成油温时投入滤干水分的鸡胗、牛肚,用手勺搅散后即捞出滤净油。 3. Wanghuo add place, peanut oil into the hot pan, oil temperature 70 hours into the water Lvgan chicken gizzard, tripe, spoon with their hands up after the San remove Oil filter. 4.炒锅中留油20克,下蒜片炒出香味后紧接着下黄瓜、胡萝卜和鸡胗、牛肚,随即烹入对好的碗芡,翻锅均匀,即出锅装盘。 4. Add 20 grams of oil to stay in, under Chao Chu garlic slice of cucumber flavor immediately following the next, carrots and chicken gizzard, tripe, then cooked into a good bowl of Euryale ferox, evenly over the pot, that is, Chuguozhuangpan. 工艺提示 Technology tips 1.牛肚可剞刀为菊花形与鸡肫相同,也剞刀为窗户花或其他花刀以增加形态花色。 1. Ji tripe can be daisy-shaped knife for the chicken gizzard and the same, Ji knife or other flowers for the windows took a knife to increase the color patterns. 2.牛肚、鸡肫用碱水浸泡一定要清洗干净,还可用80度的温水焯一下,但不能过久。 2. Tripe, chicken gizzard using alkaline water must be clean, but also with 80-degree water about Zhuo, but not for too long. 3.牛肚、鸡肫放油锅时,如果水分太多可用干净白布吸净再下。 3. Tripe, chicken gizzard pan put, if too much water can be used to clean white smoke under the net again. 4.牛肚分为百叶、肚仁和肚领。 4. Screen is divided into tripe, diarrhea Ren-collar belly. 本菜若选用牛肚领其味道更佳。 If the selection of tripe dishes get their taste better.

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