October 11, 2008

Chinese Food>>home recipes>> Article sweet and sour fish

Cai Ming】 【be sweet and sour fish 【所属菜系】 鲁菜 【】-Owned Shandong cuisine 【特点】 色泽金黄,香味四溢,外酥内嫩,甜醇适口。 】 【Characteristics of the golden color, fragrance overflowing, crisp outside and tender inside, the sweet taste alcohol. 【原料】 Key raw materials】 净鱼肉450克。 450 grams of fish net. 鸡蛋黄25克。 25 grams yellow eggs. 淀粉30克、花生油200克、葱10克、姜10克、酱油10克、清汤100克、白糖65克、醋40克。 30 g starch, 200 grams of peanut oil, 10 g onion, ginger 10 grams, 10 grams of soy sauce, broth 100 grams, 65 grams of sugar, vinegar 40 grams. 【制作过程】 【Production process】 将鱼肉洗净,切成长4厘米、宽厚均匀1厘米的长条。 Wash the fish, cut growth of 4 cm, uniform generous 1 cm long. 用鸡蛋黄加淀粉调成蛋黄糊,待用,炒锅内放入花生油,中火烧至八成热(约200℃)时,将鱼条沾匀蛋黄糊入油中炸熟,至呈金黄色捞出,沥油。 Wong Ka-starch with egg yolk paste into a tune, stand-by, add peanut oil into inside, to fire in 80 hot (about 200 ℃), the fish will be even dip into the egg yolk paste in the oil Zhashu to golden fish That the oil Lek. 炒锅内留少量油,烧热后用葱、姜末煸炒几下,加入酱油、清汤、白糖烧沸,用湿淀粉勾成浓芡,烹入醋,将炸好的鱼条倒入锅内翻匀盛入盘内即成。 Add a small amount of oil to stay inside, after the Heat with onions, ginger stir fried with a few add soy sauce, broth, boiling of sugar, starch wet Euryale ferox hook into a strong, vinegar into the cooking, deep-fried fish be good into the pot Yun-sheng inverted into the tray mold.

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