Painting is another main artistic form in Tibet and it is in a preferential position in Tibetan Buddhism. Like in Christianity or any other religions, Tibetan painting is one of the forms which help Tibetan people strengthen their belief in Buddhism and their emotion of life. Tibetan painting mainly includes cliff painting, frescoes, Thangka and wood prints.
Cliff painting is an art style for the period from pre-historic time to TuBo Regime. It is one of the oldest arts in Tibet. The cliff paintings existing today are mainly on cliffs and large rocks. In terms of skills, themes and styles, Tibetan cliff painting has a close relationship with North China cliff painting and Mid-Asia cliff painting, found in Xinjiang, Ganshu, Qinghai and Inner Mongolia.
Fresco in AliTuoLin Monstery
Frescoes, painted on the walls of the monsteries and palaces in Tibet, are also a main style of Tibetan painting art. The frescoes of Tibetan Buddhism absorbed some elements of the paintings in India, Nepal and other parts of China and and gradually formed their unique style. We can see the shadow of Indian style from the frescoes of Jokhang Monastery and JingGang Monastery.
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